+919371635446 info@ozonepest.co.in
Plot No 73, Manavseva Nagar, Seminary Hills Nagpur, India

Housefly Management

Of the thousands of species of flies, only a few are common pests in and around the home. Some of the more common nuisance flies are the house fly (Musca domestica), the face fly (Musca autumnalis) , the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) , the little house fly (Fannia canicularis) , and several species of blow flies (especially in the genus Lucilia). These pests breed in animal wastes and decaying organic material, including animal carrion and food waste from which they can pick up bacteria and viruses that may cause human disease.


Because they have sponging mouthparts, house flies cannot bite; however, they may play an important role in disease transmission to humans and animals. House flies can carry a number of disease agents which they pick up while feeding on animal feces, animal body secretions, or kitchen waste and which they can deposit onto human foods following contact with or feeding on these human foods. House flies are known to carry bacteria and viruses that cause conditions such as diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, yaws, dysentery, and eye infections. House flies can also cause nuisance to homeowners by their persistent attempts to land on human foods or even humans themselves (they will readily feed on animal sweat and other body secretions). House flies also leave dark fecal and regurgitation spots on wall surfaces where they rest, and with a preference for resting on light colored surfaces, these spots can be quite noticeable when fly numbers are high.